Year 2025 - «International Year
of Peace and Trust

26 March 2020


Hot call phone numbers

  Name of missions Telephone numbers Electron adresses
1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan


2 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Russian Federation +79855300516 consulmoskva@inbox.ru
3 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Belarus +375257781408 embturkmminsk@gmail.com
4 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of India +919971276757 tmemb.ind2@gmail.com
5 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan +998909395267 tmtashkent@gmail.com
6 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Federal Republic of Germany +4917643174427, +491722977596 info@botschaft-turkmenistan.de, konsulat@botschaft-turkmenistan.de
7 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Kazakhstan +77777729391 consul.nur@gmail.com
8 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the People's Republic of China +8618613389940, +8615910315907 embassy-tm@turkmenembassy.cn
9  Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan +996558657777 turkmenembkg@gmail.com
10 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Austria +436766830787 turkmenistan.botschaft@chello.at
11 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Azerbaijan +994502560057 counseltm.emb-baku@mail.ru
12 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Armenia +37498412462 tmermembassy@gmail.com
13 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan +93794378522 tmembkabul@gmail.com
14 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Kingdom of Belgium +32490392146  turkmenistan@skynet.be
15 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland +447565493902 turkmenembassyuk@btconnect.com
16  Embassy of Turkmenistan to Georgia +995322252963, +995597335577 tmemb.ge1@gmail.com
17 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Italy +393662761818 italy@ambturkmenistan.it
18 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Iran +989121326651 turkmenemb.iri@gmail.com
19 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Korea +821067541518 tmembassy.skr@gmail.com
20  Embassy of Turkmenistan to Malaysia +60192290909, +60139258303 tkmembmalaysia@gmail.com
21 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the United Arab Emirates +971544629672 tkmemb@emirates.net.ae
22  Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan +923090422674 cons.tmembisl@gmail.com
23 Embassy of Turkmenistan to Romania +40744314544 tmembassy@tmembassy.ro
24 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia +966558840165 info@turkmenemb-sa.org
25 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the United States of America +12025881500 turkmenembassyus@verizon.net
26 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Tajikistan +992985157900 babaev.merdan@list.ru
27 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Turkey +903124417122 tmankara@yahoo.com
28  Embassy of Turkmenistan to Ukraine +380442793524 embassy@ambturkm.org.ua
29 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the French Republic +33650437593 turkmenamb@orange.fr
30 Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Swiss Confederation +41799443618 consul@turkmenistanmission.ch
31 Embassy of Turkmenistan to Japan +819085158696 a.s.informex@gmail.com
32 The Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan to the United Nations  +12014962478  go.saparov@gmail.com
33 Consulate of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Kazakhstan (Aktau city) +77475413959 tmconsulate.aktau@gmail.com
34 Consulate of Turkmenistan to the Russian Federation (Astrakhan city) +79617988062 tm.consull@inbox.ru
35 Consulate of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Herat city) +93796271020, +93706271020 qader.kohan2010@gmail.com
36 Consulate of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Mazar-i Sharif city) +93796101001 turkmenconmaz@rambler.ru
37 Consulate General of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Iran (Meshhed city) +989151150551 mashhad.consulate@gmail.com
38 Consulate General of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Turkey (Istanbul city) +902126620221, 0902126620222, +902126620223, +905375200935 stambulconstm2@gmail.com
39 Consulate of Turkmenistan in the Federal Republic of Germany (Frankfurt am Main city) +4917661359464 turkmenkonsulat-F.a.M@t-online.de
40 Consulate General of Turkmenistan to the United Arab Emirates (Dubai city) +971 56 843 54 24  tmconsulategeneral@gmail.com
41 Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in Mary region 8-00522-6-07-16 mary_mfa@online.tm
42 Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in Lebap region 8-00422-6-17-33 lebapwekilhana_mfa@online.tm
43 Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in Ahal region 8-00137-3-44-11 ahal_mfa@online.tm
44 Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in Dashoguz region 8-00322-9-10-13 dashoguz_mfa@online.tm
45 Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in Balkan region 8-00243-2-61-20 balkan_mfa@online.tm
Phone: +993 (12) 44-56-92
Fax: +993 (12) 44-58-12
Reception: +993 (12) 44-56-87
Press service: +993 (12) 44-56-04
E-mail: ddd@mfa.gov.tm
744000, Ashgabat, Archabil av., 108
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
© 2025 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan