Year 2024 - «Fount of Wisdom
Magtymguly Fragi

15 December 2020


Final document Of International Conference “Policy of neutrality and its importance in provision of universal peace, security and sustainable development”

Confirming their commitment to the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations Organization,

Noting the necessity of execution of the global strategies and programs of the United Nations Organization, in particular the 2030 Sustainable Development Global Agenda,

Highlighting the importance of the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 50/80 A from December 12, 1995 and 69/285 from June 3, 2015 named as “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” as well as the Resolution 71/275 from February 2, 2017 declaring International Neutrality Day,

Taking into account the final document of high-level international conference “Policy of neutrality and its importance in provision of universal peace, security and sustainable development” (Ashgabat Final Document) adopted on December 12, 2015,

The participants of International Conference “Policy of neutrality: International cooperation for peace, security and sustainable development” who have gathered in Ashgabat on December 12, 2020 on occasion of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan have therefore:

1. Highlighted that policy of neutrality, which was declared and pursued by the state members of the United Nations Organization, plays an important role in development of peaceful, friendly and beneficial relations between the countries of the world and supports strengthening of universal peace and security on regional and global levels;

2. Encouraged to support the implementation of active neutral policy by promotion of the concept of integral and expanded security aimed at support of peaceful initiatives and good neighborliness relations, countering traditional and modern challenges and threats by strengthening of transboundary cooperation;

3. Recommended all state members of the United Nations Organization, the UN establishments and other international, regional and sub-regional organizations to use potential of neutral states in regulation of disputes, prevention and regulation of conflicts;

4. Highlighted that national policy of neutrality is intended to encourage the use of preventive diplomacy, which is one of the main functions of the United Nations Organization, in prevention of conflicts, conducting talks, provision of good services, work of mission for establishment the facts, use of special messengers, unofficial consultancies, peace development and targeted activity in development sphere;

5. Noted that the United Nations Regional Center of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, which has been established in Ashgabat in December 2007 with support of international community, plays an important role in support to the states of Central Asian region and bordering countries in solution of regional problems by stimulation of closer cooperation between them;

6. Supported the initiative of Turkmenistan on presentation of the Draft Resolution on the role of the UN Regional Center of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, which is aimed at steadfast reveal of the potential of the Regional Center, including using the advantages of neutral policy during the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly;

7. Encouraged the world community to continue supporting development of peace and trust culture with regards to the relations between the states, which is closely related to the policy of neutrality as a value, which supports sustainable development, peace and security by strengthening of solidarity and harmony, having noted the necessity to follow the Declaration and Action Program in the sphere of peace culture adopted by the United Nations Organization1;

8. Supported the initiative of Turkmenistan on conducting the High-level Forum of Peace and Trust as one of the main event under International Year of Peace and Trust declared by the Resolution 73/338 of the United Nations General Assembly from September 12, 2019 at the initiative of Turkmenistan, as well as encouraged the state members of the United Nations Organization, the UN agencies, other relative international and regional organizations and civic society to carry out educational, informational and awareness activity by conducting relevant activities under International Year of Peace and Trust.

9. Welcomed the establishment of the Group of friends of neutrality for peace, security and sustainable development on the platform of the United Nations Organization by the initiative of Turkmenistan, which is to provide wide multilateral dialog on practical implementation of the principles of neutrality in prevention of conflicts, elimination of their root causes and consequences, as well as encouraged all state members of the United Nations Organization as well as relative international structures to join cooperation under the above-mentioned Group;

10. Extended support to the efforts of Turkmenistan in development of the UN Code of Practice for efficient application of the principles of neutrality during regulation of international issues, which would supplement a toolkit of the UN governing bodies and its specialized agencies in protection and strengthening of peace, by thus having encouraged relative international organizations and interested countries to make their contribution to the work on this document;

11. Highlighted the importance, which economic and geographic economical aspects of national neutrality have for support of stable and long-term trade and economic relations between the states in conditions of political stability, as well as for strengthening sub-regional, regional and international interrelation;

12. Confirmed special humanitarian importance of the policy of neutrality and positive role, which neutral states paly in provision and delivery of humanitarian aid in cases of complicated emergency situations and natural disasters on the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, having offered to improve regional coordination in the sphere of emergency humanitarian aid of the United Nations Organization by establishment of the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) in Central Asia.

13. Highlighted the necessity to develop the concept of neutrality, having welcomed the initiative of Turkmenistan proposed earlier on foundation of training, scientific and research center for study of theory and practice of the policy of neutrality in international law and international relations under available resources for study and spread of knowledge related to the policy of neutrality by training lessons, practical seminars conducted by experts and organizations specialized in relative fields;

14. Encouraged all state members of the United Nations Organization, international and regional organizations, non-government associations and private individuals including the youth to conduct events aimed at improvement of public awareness on the role and importance of the policy of neutrality in support and strengthening of universal peace, security and sustainable development on annual base to mark International Neutrality Day on December 12;

15. Based on the Final Document of International Conference “Policy of Neutrality: International cooperation for peace, security and sustainable development”, which was adopted on December 12, 2015, additionally stressed the necessity to hold high-level forums dedicated to strengthening of the role of the policy of neutrality in international relations once in five years at least, realizing that dialog on this subject supports strengthening global peace and security;

16. Expressed deep gratitude to people and Government of Turkmenistan for organization and conduct of International conference.

Ashgabat, December 12, 2020

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