The protection of human health – the supreme value of society and the state – is one of the priorities of the state policy of Turkmenistan. Under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, new, higher goals and tasks have been set to improve the work of the national health care system. As part of the implementation of the Program «Revival of a New Era of a Powerful State: National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052», «Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028» and «National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Transformation of Social and Living Conditions of the Population of Villages, Towns, Etrap Cities and Etrap Centers for the Period up to 2028», the specialized infrastructure is expanding – the construction of modern scientific and clinical centers, hospitals, pharmaceutical enterprises and Health Houses continues in Ashgabat and the velayats. During the years of neutrality and independence, on the basis of the State Program of the President of Turkmenistan «Health», developed under the leadership of Hero Arkadag, a great deal of work has been done to protect the health of the population, establish the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and develop physical culture and mass sports. A network of modern medical institutions was created throughout the country – «Ene mähri» and emergency care centers, multidisciplinary hospitals and sanatoriums, and pharmaceutical companies. Effective work continues in this direction. All necessary conditions have been created to strengthen public health, prevent, diagnose and treat diseases using modern innovative methods, increase human life expectancy, and ensure the availability of high-quality medical services. In this direction, activities are being carried out on international cooperation with the world community, especially with the World Health Organization (WHO). In this regard, the health of the population improves and the average life expectancy of a person increases.
The legislative framework of the country’s healthcare system is being improved and strengthened. The adoption of the National Strategy «Healthy mother - Healthy Child - Healthy Future», National Programme on the population’s immunity improvement, the National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases for 2021-2025 and National Program for Turning Turkmenistan into a Tobacco-Free Country for 2022-2025 significantly optimized the activities of the healthcare system and a public healthcare system was created in the country.
Based on the current «National Program for the Development of Physiology in Turkmenistan for 2024-2028», «National Strategy for Medical Health and Rehabilitation Activities in Turkmenistan for 2024-2028», «National Immunoprophylaxis Program of Turkmenistan for 2024-2028», the Resolution on Significant Improvement of the Provision of the Population with Medicines and Medical Products, scientifically based activities are being carried out to improve the health and well-being of the population.
The Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, also takes an active part in resolving issues of public health protection in the area of motherhood and childhood.
The Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, named after the Hero Arkadag, carries out a wide range of charitable work, and at the expense of the foundation, great importance is given to issues related to the health of the population, especially mothers and children. All this is evidence of a positive result in the modernization of the national healthcare system, improving the standard of living and well-being of each person - the highest value of Turkmen society and the state.
In Turkmenistan, healthcare is currently being consistently and successfully developed, the medical industry is being improved, and the state strategy in this area is being effectively implemented. In the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, in the regions of the country, a number of modern healthcare facilities have been put into operation and effective work in this direction continues.
Thus, work is being carried out at an accelerated pace on the construction of production complexes of the medical cluster in the «smart» city of Arkadag. International certificates, including a special Certificate from the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization, have already become a high assessment of the medical products manufactured here, which comply with international standards and environmental requirements. Modern medical institutions have already been built in the city of the future, including a Multidisciplinary Hospital, an Oncology Center, a Maternal and Child Health Center, an Emergency Center, and a Health House. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Center of Arkadag not only provides medical services to city residents, but also serves all citizens of the country.
In Turkmenistan, the issue of high quality and timely provision of free medicines for various diseases to citizens by the state is under special control. Necessary work is being carried out to expand the range of medicines, vaccines and other medical products produced in our country.
Medicinal teas and medicines are prepared from local raw materials and medicinal plants based on the encyclopedic scientific work «Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan» by Hero-Arkadag. Our population is fully provided with finished products, and a certain part of it is exported to foreign countries.
Turkmenistan consistently strengthens multilateral cooperation with countries of the world and leading international structures in the field of healthcare. The work is carried out using digital communication and digital medicine. Contacts are being intensified for the exchange of experience through telemedicine and teleconferences, as well as for the introduction of advanced methods into medical practice. Turkmenistan actively cooperates with specialized structures of the United Nations, including the WHO and proposes new vectors of partnership in the field of medicine and scientific diplomacy.
In particular, a lot of work is being done to prevent pathologies of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, mental and oncological diseases, and diabetes in citizens at risk. In our country, according to the National Immunization Program, citizens are fully covered by preventive vaccinations against 14 infectious diseases. These vaccines are recognized by WHO for their high quality. Our country’s successes and achievements in strengthening human health, preventing and completely eliminating various infectious and non-infectious diseases are recognized at the international level and are marked by certificates from authoritative international organizations.
In Turkmenistan, the principles of a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports are a priority at the state level and are widely supported by the population. A clear confirmation of our country’s commitment to the international sports movement and the universal principles of a healthy lifestyle was the unanimous adoption on April 12, 2018, within the framework of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, at the initiative of Turkmenistan, of the Resolution declaring June 3 as «International Bicycle Day».
The ongoing programmatic transformations and reforms are an effective stimulus for the further development of the healthcare system and medical industry of Independent and Neutral Turkmenistan.