Year 2024 - «Fount of Wisdom
Magtymguly Fragi

17 February 2020


Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia accredited in Ashgabat

On the 17th of February 2020, a meeting was held in the MFA of Turkmenistan between the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Somalia in Turkmenistan (with residence in Ankara) Jama Abdullahi Mohammed.

After exchanging warm greetings, the parties expressed the interest of Turkmenistan and Somalia in establishing the long-term cooperation in various fields possessing mutual interest. It was noted that the high-level visits and cooperation between the external policy agencies of the two countries play a vital role in the development of bilateral ties. The diplomats underlined the positive collaboration experience in the framework of international organizations, primarily the United Nations.   

Being the first Ambassador of Somalia in Turkmenistan, Jama Abdullahi Mohammed said that he will apply all his efforts for the stable development of Turkmen-Somalia relations. After presenting the copies of his credentials, Ambassador expressed gratitude to the Turkmen side for the congratulatory words on his appointment to the high diplomatic post and best wishes conveyed to the people of Somalia.  

In the same day, Ambassador Jama Abdullahi Mohammed presented his credentials to the Chairwoman of the Parliament (Mejlis) of Turkmenistan.  

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