Year 2024 - «Fount of Wisdom
Magtymguly Fragi

06 August 2021


The Presidents of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan discussed the priorities for the development of Turkmen-Tajik cooperation

On August 6, 2021 in the framework of the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of States of Central Asia, the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a meeting with the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in the National Tourist Zone “Avaza”.

During the negotiations, the parties’ interest in the further development of Turkmen-Tajik relations in political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian fields was once again confirmed.

An exchange of views also took place on key aspects of regional and international interaction of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

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