24 November 2016
Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Turkmenistan presented the copies of his credentials
Ambassador of the Republic of Austria presented the copies of his credentials
23 November 2016
A “round-table” dedicated to the transit-transportation opportunities in Turkmenistan held in Romania
The regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Latvian commission on economic cooperation took place in Riga
22 November 2016
Turkmenistan submitted its second report on the implementation of the commitments concerning the protection of human rights and freedoms
21 November 2016
Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Canada presented his credential letters
16 November 2016
The 10th Forum on Cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Central Asian countries was held in Seoul
15 November 2016
The official opening of the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Turkmenistan was held in Ashgabat
Political consultations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of South Africa
The official visit of the President of the State of Palestine to Turkmenistan
11 November 2016
A regular meeting of the Joint "Turkmenistan-EU" Committee held In Brussels
08 November 2016
The Days of culture of Turkmenistan opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan