2024-nji ýyl - «Pähim-paýhas ummany
Magtymguly Pyragy

17 iýun 2022


The delegation of Turkmenistan took part in the Second Regional SDGs Summit

The delegation of Turkmenistan, headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the country, Mr. M.Muhammedov, took part in the Second Regional SDGs Summit, which took place on June 16-17, 2022 in Almaty.

Turkmen side noted that being one of the first countries to support the Sustainable Development Goals, Turkmenistan is actively implementing them at the national level, by including the SDGs in national development plans, as well as through the creation of a system for assessing implementation progress.

Speaking in favor of accelerating the implementation of the decisions of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development to mobilize and effectively use available resources to achieve the SDGs, the importance of organizing the next International Conference on Financing for Development, which was previously voiced by Turkmenistan in the framework of the 75th and 76th sessions of the General Assembly, was emphasized.

The delegation of Turkmenistan also took an active part in the work of thematic sessions on the response to COVID-19, digitalization of public services, empowerment of women and youth, financing of the SDGs, measures and policies in the field of climate change.

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