2024-nji ýyl - «Pähim-paýhas ummany
Magtymguly Pyragy

29 awgust 2022


ANNOUNCEMENT: On 12-16 September Regional Director of the United Nations Development Coordination Office to visit Turkmenistan

On 12-16 September Ms. Gwi Yeop Son, the Regional Director of the United Nations Development Coordination Office for Europe and Central Asia will pay a visit to Turkmenistan.

During the visit, the Regional Director will meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs and deputy prime ministers of Turkmenistan responsible for economic, education, health and agriculture development.

Telefon: +993 (12) 44-56-92
Faks: +993 (12) 44-58-12
Kabulhana: +993 (12) 44-56-87
Metbugat gullugy: +993 (12) 44-56-04
E-mail: ddd@mfa.gov.tm
744000, Aşgabat, Arçabil köç., 108
Aşgabat, Türkmenistan
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