Year 2024 - «Fount of Wisdom
Magtymguly Fragi

28 January 2017



The words of Esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: “Our country implements the development strategy through the consistent diversification. As a result, in recent years we have successfully implemented projects for the construction of several major pipelines on the western and southern direction, together with our partners” are demonstrated a responsible attitude of our country to the construction, and the supply of natural gas abroad.

In our country, on a level with built gas pipelines and successfully implemented several major projects of pipelines. One of them is a transnational gas pipeline “Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India” whose construction began in December of last year with the participation of Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, and Vice President of Republic of India Mohammad Hamid Ansari.

The total length of this gas pipeline is approximately 1814 km, 214 km of which on the territory of Turkmenistan, 774 km through Afghanistan, and 826 km in the territory of Pakistan will reach the settlement Fazilka in India. Its annual capacity is designed to supply 33 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

Recently, in Ashgabat was held the regular 24th meeting of the Steering Committee of the project of gas pipeline “Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India”. In its work, took part the heads and representatives of branch ministries and organizations of the countries participating in the project, as well as the Asian Development Bank. One of the main issues of the meeting on the project of the gas pipeline has been associated with the coordination of the investment agreement of the members of the consortium “TAPI Pipeline Company Limited” headed by the State Concern “Turkmengaz”. As the leader of the consortium the State Concern “Turkmengaz” will be led coordination of the construction, financing, ownership and operation of the TAPI pipeline.

The participants noted that the project will connect one of the largest energy suppliers in the world which is the Turkmenistan with South Asian countries. The participants confirmed the high interest of their countries in the early realization of the construction of the gas pipeline and the supply of Turkmen natural gas, also discussed a number of other issues, and also noted that provide for the commissioning of a new gas pipeline in December 2019.

It was signed the Investment agreement between the companies “Galkynysh Pipeline Company”, the State Concern “Turkmengaz”, “Afghan Gas Enterprise”, “Inter State Sas Systems Limited”, “Gail (India) Limited”, “TAPI Pipeline Company Limited”. This agreement is an important milestone for the implementation of the project. In addition, at the meeting was agreed the order of the next meeting. At the end of the meeting was signed corresponding protocol.

Esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov from the high tribune of the United Nations Organization has put forward a number of initiatives related to the security transit of energy supplies. Our country is following to be open on all matters of general energy strategy, many times proved that our country is a loyal country to the commitments in this area.

This gas pipeline that will take in the coming years its rightful place on the international stage is the place of the compound of interest, not only economic but also political. Therefore, it goes without saying the displays of particular interest to the project by foreign countries involved in the project.

Work in the territory of Turkmenistan on this transnational gas pipeline is carried out by State concerns “Turkmengaz” and “Turkmennebitgazgurlushyk”. These concerns have successfully carried out the construction of the gas pipeline «East-West» which has recently been put into operation in the territory of our country, and the corporations have accumulated experience in this area. These days they are using their experience to successfully carry out the work in the Turkmen part of the TAPI gas pipeline. The local branch of the concern “Turkmennebitgazgurlushyk”works on preparation and clearing of site with width of 59 meters along the pipeline route, together with work on the transport of pipes with a diameter of 1420 mm to be used in construction, and their automatic welding method.

In the construction used modern equipment produced by well-known international companies, special attention is paid to the implementation of the work of modern advanced technology. And this in turn has a positive effect on the rapid and high-quality execution of implemented work.

Giant gas field “Galkynysh” will provide the purified natural gas to this gas pipeline. Commencement of III phase of development of the gas field “Galkynysh” in December of last year is a guarantee of fully ensure with clean tank gas of transnational gas pipeline “Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India”.

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