State support aimed at the development of science in Turkmenistan is consistently improved, the necessary conditions for conducting deep practical scientific research, as well as expanding developments in the field of advanced scientific research are created. The comprehensive work is carried out on the introduction of the latest information and communication technologies, strengthening the material and technical base of scientific institutions and higher education institutions.
Science in Turkmenistan is focused on the specific task: to increase the level and effectiveness of scientific research, to direct the vector of research towards scientific support for the needs of the country's economic sectors, to pay special attention to the development of new technologies, to ensure the practical implementation of the results of scientific research. The relevant laws of Turkmenistan have been adopted, and State Programs have been approved in order to create the organizational and legal basis for the development of scientific, technological and innovative activities.
Taking into account priorities of development of the country's economic sectors and trends in the world science development, the Government has defined and approved priority areas for the science development and technology in Turkmenistan.
Scientific research is conducted at the institutes of the Academy of Sciences, in scientific organizations of ministries and departments, and in higher educational institutions of the country.
As noted by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in the country, a lot of work has been done to educate goal-oriented, highly qualified, trained youth with great scientific potential, broad outlook, capable of managing innovative technologies.
The annual state competition of scientific papers, which is designed to identify and encourage gifted youth in every possible way, helps realize these goals. promoted. At the same time, special attention is paid to areas of science such as nanotechnology, energy, biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics, information and communication and computer technologies, modern medicine and the medical industry, innovative digital economy, etc. In Turkmenistan, the large-scale work based on modern achievements of scientific and technological progress, new technologies and innovations is carried out to further develop science of the country. Scientific activity is optimized on the basis of advanced international practice and national principles. Scientific, theoretical and practical research methods are improved, international cooperation is intensified.
Today, research institutes and centers are actively functioning in higher education institutions. Joint work is carried out with the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan to introduce results of scientific research of young scientists, engineers, technologists and specialists into an industry.
In Turkmenistan, the scientific sphere, which is in constant contact with leading world centers, is rapidly developing, its legislative, material, and technical base is systematically strengthened, broad opportunities for conducting research in priority areas of science, training young scientists and highly qualified specialists are created. A unified mechanism for planning the training of highly qualified scientists has been created in the country.
Guided by the "Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028", fundamental and applied research in various areas is carried out in higher education institutions, research and scientific-technological, scientific-clinical and scientific-design centers, experimental-production laboratories.
In 2020, the "Program for the transfer of the science sphere in Turkmenistan to a digital system for 2020-2025", "State program for the integrated development of chemical science and technology in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025" and "Strategy for the development of the science system in Turkmenistan for 2024-2052" were adopted.
The implementation of these strategically important programs has given impetus to the improvement of this area, made it possible to form an effective, sustainable and cost-effective digital scientific system based on IT technologies, achieve close interaction between science and production, in accordance with advanced world experience, and scientifically substantiate the management of various sectors of the economy. All this contributes to the activation of the creation of new software necessary for research and development, attracting young people to scientific, engineering, technological and entrepreneurial activities.
Turkmenistan, introducing world standards into scientific and educational processes, strengthens cooperation with the United Nations. Turkmenistan was twice elected to the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development - for 2014-2016, then for 2017-2020 and the Commission on Science and Technology for Development - for 2021-2024. Today, our country is a member of the Social Development Commission for 2021-2025.
State support is increasingly expanding and the material and technical base of science is strengthened, funding for promising research, experimental and technological innovations is improved. The Fund of the President of Turkmenistan for the Support of Young Scientists and the Science Development Fund are actively functioning.
Research institutes and the International Scientific and Technological Park of the Academy of Sciences are actively working to introduce innovations in the development of the fuel and energy and agro-industrial complexes, as well as in solving energy conservation issues.
Turkmen scientists, studying alternative energy sources, are working on the creation of new technologies for the production of electricity, conducting research related to the technology of exploration, development, production and use of hydrocarbon deposits, developing tests on the conversion of fuel into electrical and thermal energy.
At the same time, scientific research on the protection of the environment and biological diversity of the Caspian Sea, the study of its tectonics and seismic activity have been conducted. This is of great scientific and practical importance taking into account the plans for the socio-economic development of the western region of the country, the development of its hydrocarbon and other natural resources, the implementation of the transport and transit potential, the construction of large chemical, oil and gas processing plants here, as well as health resort facilities in the Avaza National Tourist Zone.
The relevant divisions of the Academy of Sciences are continuing the systematic work to implement the "Program for Reducing Seismic Risk in Seismically Dangerous Zones of Turkmenistan."
The list of patented "intellectual products" of scientists of the country is expanding. This includes the development of a composition of building materials based on local raw materials, new varieties of medium- and fine-fiber cotton adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the regions, and methods for fixing the sands of the Karakum Desert.
In order to improve the effectiveness of science and innovation, study world experience in introducing technologies into industry, and train personnel, international scientific and technical cooperation is actively developing. At present, intergovernmental, interdepartmental, and bilateral agreements on scientific and technical cooperation have been concluded with more than 30 countries around the world. The vector focus of international cooperation has the widest range - these are the CIS countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), the EU countries (Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Romania, France, etc.), as well as India, Iran, China, the Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Japan, etc.
Within the framework of the signed agreements, joint scientific research, mutual exchange of scientific achievements, internships of scientific personnel are carried out, and joint scientific centers are created. Thus, Turkmen and Uzbek scientists are currently implementing 4 joint projects. The Turkmen-Chinese Center for Scientific and Technical Cooperation has been established at the International Scientific and Technological Park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan in cooperation with the Center for International Scientific and Technical Exchange of Hubei Province of the People's Republic of China.
The institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan also carry out work within the framework of research grants from foreign funds and international organizations, in particular, the Institute of Seismology and Atmospheric Physics is implementing a number of projects in the field of seismology in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). In the era of dynamic development of world science and technology, as well as high achievements of human scientific thought, all conditions for the effective use of the intellectual potential of the people have been created in Turkmenistan.