On April 20, 2023, a meeting of the Joint Steering Committee for the implementation of the Framework Program for Cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the United Nations in the field of sustainable development for 2021-2025 was held in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
The meeting was attended by the heads and employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, representatives of the relevant ministries and departments of the country, heads of the UN specialized agencies in Turkmenistan.
Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for the period 2021-2025 is one of the basic documents that determine the development of Turkmenistan's partnership with the UN and its agencies on a systematic basis, as well as based on medium-term and long-term programs and plans for joint activities.
During the meeting, issues of interaction between Turkmenistan and the UN and its institutions on such topical issues as security, ecological problems and environmental issues, food security, digitalization and data management, education, healthcare and others were considered and analyzed.
Also, representatives of international organizations and relevant ministries and departments of Turkmenistan made their presentations on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. An exchange of views took place on the Voluntary National Review.